business nbn™ Satellite Service

business nbn™ Satellite Service

Lifting the digital capacity of Australian businesses by providing a suite of innovative solutions for business grade network services.

Contemporary connectivity.

Providing a suite of innovative product solutions, business nbn™ Satellite Service facilitates access to high-speed broadband designed to suit business’ needs. The service also provides disaster recovery capabilities to businesses, including those in major cities and metro areas.

If your business requires access to business grade network services outside of nbn’s fixed line network footprint, such as in a regional or remote location, consider a satellite solution that suits your needs.

Interactive can deliver services and support for a range of business customers across all industries as they look to access the nbn™ network.

Access Bandwidth Service Layer 3 (ABSL3)

Perfect for customers with high capacity and committed bandwidth requirements whilst allowing integration into business-critical corporate Wide Area Network (WAN) environments.

Virtual ISP (VISP)

Providing business grade internet network access with a number of options that offer the speed and network reliability to support Australian businesses.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Providing business grade internet network access with a number of options that offer the speed and network reliability to support Australian businesses.

nbn's satellite access network

The business nbn™ Satellite Service leverages nbn’s, high-throughput satellites and resilient ground infrastructure to bring a new level of broadband capacity to the business market – all based on a highly reliable network architecture.

Business grade service

The Australian based business nbn™ Satellite Operations Centre (BSOC) has a team of satellite specialists managing all business satellite connections, service requests and service incidents - all to defined business-grade service levels or operational targets.

A name you can trust

For more than 30 years, we’ve gained a reputation for exceptional and committed customer service, delivered by our 24×7 onshore Australian operational support team.

We treat any customer problems which arise as our own, providing you with rapid response times and minimised downtime SLAs. We keep Australian businesses moving, helping provide the infrastructure and support that allows your organisation to grow.

Reduce the complexity of your network

A single point-of-call for all of your network needs can save you time, money and reduce confusion.

What are you waiting for?

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nbn™ and other nbn™ Brands are trademarks of nbn co limited and used under licence.


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