
OnAlert Hardware Monitoring

Receive proactive monitoring of your mission-critical assets with OnAlert, a real-time preventative hardware maintenance solution for IT devices.



Introducing OnAlert

When your performance is measured in uptime, the ability to detect and address potential issues before they become outages makes all the difference. OnAlert is a real-time preventative hardware monitoring solution for IT devices, no matter the location.

Interactive can configure your hardware assets remotely for OnAlert, ensuring a seamless and non-disruptive onboarding. We monitor your hardware assets and network devices directly from our office, taking the pressure off your team. 

When network devices are flagged with potential issues or as requiring support, the ticket is logged immediately with our Australian-based service desk notifying your dedicated engineer of the issue.

With OnAlert, hardware issues or failures are found and resolved before they become major problems, ensuring your systems stay on and your business operations are protected.


Your preventative maintenance partner

Interactive is built on a foundation of best-in-class service, knowledge, skills, talent, and support. We have carried these values to OnAlert, complementing our depth of experience in hardware maintenance.

With OnAlert, we aim to alleviate monitoring stress for your business by performing hardware health checks, allowing your team to focus on other projects.

Extensive coverage

We can cover IT devices in remote, unmanned sites or where you have limited resources and knowledge to monitor hardware assets and equipment.

Rapid response

Our industry leading hardware monitoring solutions and tools can quickly identify and rectify hardware component failures that do not cause immediate system downtime.

Superior support

We provide a local engineer, 100% guaranteed local parts, and an Australian-based service desk. We answer all your calls within 6 seconds and are typically onsite in 2 hours.

Why invest in

  • Proactive Monitoring, 24/7

    OnAlert is a real-time preventative network monitoring tool for IT devices, no matter the location.

  • No-Disruption Installation

    OnAlert can configure your hardware assets remotely, ensuring a seamless and non-disruptive onboarding.

  • SSL-Encrypted Security

    OnAlert ensures your assets and data are safe and secure at all times.

  • Scalable from Small Business to Enterprise

    OnAlert is a hardware monitoring solution designed for organisations of all sizes.

  • Minimise Alert Fatigue

    When devices are flagged with potential issues, it is logged immediately with our locally-based service desk.

  • Realtime Visibility of Devices

    We monitor your network devices directly from our office, taking the pressure off your team.

OnAlert covers a wide range of device types

You give us 30 minutes and a list of assets to monitor, and we’ll give you total peace of mind.

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