Dan Cox
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Dan Cox

Cheif Technology Officer

As an ICT leader for the past 20 years, Dan has an international footprint managing the relationship between people and technology across Europe, US and Australia. Dan joined Interactive in 2020 as General Manager, Cloud and later to General Manager, Digital Transformation.

Dan prides himself on raising the bar within industry, for our customers and for the people making it all happen at Interactive, our people. He has a keen eye for the humans behind the technology, making him a perfect fit as CTO.

Insights from Dan

Insights 5 minutes read
Engaging an expert team is the best way to build confidence around managing IT complexities.
Insights 5 minutes read
Four lessons from the CrowdStrike outage.
Insights 4 minutes read
Learn why cloud migration isn’t the answer to their digital transformation dreams, only step one.
Insights 3 minutes read
Expert, Dan Cox, shares how to side-step unnecessary costs in your cloud migration with the right team.

Media mentions

Dan is regularly featured in the media for his insights on cloud technology, IT infrastructure, and emerging tech trends. His commentary underscores a commitment to driving digital transformation and helping businesses navigate the complexities of modern IT landscapes.

  • iTnews - For Australian Business

    Interactive boosts UCC Coffee’s network to optimise employee experience

  • iTnews - For Australian Business

    Why you should use the cloud to secure your cloud

  • ChannelLife Australia

    Interactive announces collaboration with NetApp in Australia

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